Kudos on being picked up by the New Right Poast!

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Really?! NICE. Thank youDudley

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Yeah, that’s good to hear!

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“Men do not find powerful women attractive.”

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Speak for yourself, I have a giantess fetish.

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Great analysis! And fun

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Thanks, Ida!

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I like to use rare words libidinously.

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Jan 23Edited

Given her obsession with bathrooms, I am begging a reporter to ask Mace whether she is trans. After all, she's never provided proof that she's a biological woman. Maybe it's a Larry Craig situation.

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It’s very likely for women to be way more concerned about trans in their bathroom than for guys to be. Remember that women are at way greater danger than men in male-female encounters, and all a trans man has to do is say he’s trans.

I was 19 when I saw my first cross dresser/trans who was big and taller than me (I’m 6ft); he was in the bathroom with me and it freaked me the hell out lol. I can only imagine how a girl feels (who’s actually vulnerable). Yes, feelings matter — particularly those of the defenseless.

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Jan 24Edited

I don't doubt that when it comes to locker rooms, but when do women see boobs or crotch in a bathroom with stalls? That's what Mace is policing - bathrooms in the US Capitol. She only definitively knows of one trans man there, but obviously there could be more who "pass" and she doesn't seem to be demanding proof before entry.

Larry Craig was very anti-gay until he got caught trying to solicit a man in an airport bathroom.

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When the other person in the bathroom is into sexual assault or expositionism

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It’s not about accidental exposure (I’m sure women could take accidental exposure of even male genitalia in stride). It’s about the fact, and its psychological burden, that at any moment a man has access to the women’s restroom with impunity, simply on his word and an item of clothing.

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Okay. Nonetheless, Nancy Mace is a bad faith media hound who did this for clicks. If she demands only biological women be allowed to use the bathroom at the Capitol, I think it's fair to ask her to prove she actually is one.

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Bad faith media hound she may be (I dunno), but virtually every human can tell she’s a woman — so, I guess that her opposition wants to sic bad faith on her in a libidinous revenge!

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The person she targeted looks just as feminine as Mace. If she hadn't voluntarily disclosed her status no one would've known.

I once went on a date with a transgender woman who was gorgeous -- like, people checking her out in public gorgeous. I wouldn't have known if she hadn't told me in advance.

So I suppose the long term effect of this is just no self-disclosure unless absolutely necessary.

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"What if AOC was right wing?" Well, now we know, and I miss AOC.

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is AOC still "high status"?

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Within the AOC fandom, maybe. For the anti-AOC fandom, she acts as a collective punching bag for the worst of the left. They love to hate her. I imagine there are more dedicated AOC anti-fans than AOC fans, more infamous than famous. I think to get the reverse situation is to have gravitas and sacredness. AOC playing among us doesn't allow for that, although there are many gamers who achieve a good ratio of fans to anti-fans.

Pewdiepie had one of the best ratios before his "gamer moment," while Mr. Beast's ratio has taken a hit with the trans controversy. For Gen X, I think John Stewart had the highest status during the Bush years; among conservatives, Ron Paul had a loyal cult. Maybe today the best analog to Paul or Stewart is Rogan. During the Bush years, Stewart said "conservatives can't be funny," now it's the opposite.

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Politics is absolutely libidinal. But is Nancy Mace’s move so new? It seems that the standard uniform for female Republican members of Congress for the last decade has been hot pants and an AR15. “We play both kinds of drives here: Eros AND Thanatos”

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I think Sarah Palin started the hot conservative girls concept with her American flag bikini shot while holding a gun. Locked and loaded, wasn't that her quip?

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That sounds like the right historical point of origin, yeah

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It’s more the interactive aspect that’s new.

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Everything's a fandom...

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a fascinating and necessary analysis. loved the revelation of the interstate highway system as the ultimate result of sexual energy. this is the reporting we need

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Thanks and I’m really glad you enjoyed it!

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Added wrinkle: Jarvis is an AI assistant in the Marvel universe. Is Mace the first congressperson with an AI boyfriend?

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