I’m not sure that is true. When TRIGGERnometry ran their “Liberalism vs Conservatism” debate, they got a Randian Objectivist to debate a National Conservative. That is not the act of centrists. Most of their commentary is difficult to distinguish from the mainstream UK right-wing press. Kisin will probably end up with a Daily Mail column next year.
Or to put it another way, Kisin is not Nick Fuentes. Which I would agree with. A couple of other thoughts:
- Conservatives now live in a Post-Fusionist world (and have for quite some time). The fusionist were strange bedfellows held together by a fear of the Soviet Union. Now that Republicans are in the ascendant again, shit is going to only get weirder.
- While the internet muddies things up and political entrepreneurs will seek out markets that are both as receptive as possible and as large as possible, there are genuine differences in the political cultures of even similar countries. Something that many Americans struggle to understand.
Right that was also the point you made I thought was really good, that they were never at home on the dissident right despite constantly signaling to those people’s audiences. Especially Lindsay; he went right up to the edge of blaming (liberal) Jews for enabling wokeness, or something to that effect if memory serves, and got ROASTED for that, which I seem to remember causing him to wilt a bit from his usual grandiosity.
The thing is, I think that's true. And they'd be happy on the left were it not for things like trans women in sports.
I’m not sure that is true. When TRIGGERnometry ran their “Liberalism vs Conservatism” debate, they got a Randian Objectivist to debate a National Conservative. That is not the act of centrists. Most of their commentary is difficult to distinguish from the mainstream UK right-wing press. Kisin will probably end up with a Daily Mail column next year.
Fair enough. I still think it's a mistake for these people to try to appeal to dissident audiences.
Or to put it another way, Kisin is not Nick Fuentes. Which I would agree with. A couple of other thoughts:
- Conservatives now live in a Post-Fusionist world (and have for quite some time). The fusionist were strange bedfellows held together by a fear of the Soviet Union. Now that Republicans are in the ascendant again, shit is going to only get weirder.
- While the internet muddies things up and political entrepreneurs will seek out markets that are both as receptive as possible and as large as possible, there are genuine differences in the political cultures of even similar countries. Something that many Americans struggle to understand.
Right that was also the point you made I thought was really good, that they were never at home on the dissident right despite constantly signaling to those people’s audiences. Especially Lindsay; he went right up to the edge of blaming (liberal) Jews for enabling wokeness, or something to that effect if memory serves, and got ROASTED for that, which I seem to remember causing him to wilt a bit from his usual grandiosity.