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I just looked at his page again. Hananana has some real crap takes on China from dating some unattractive Asian women. Anyone who has spent much time in East Asia can instantly recognize his type - spergy, insecure western incel gets a severe case of overconfidence from dating an East Asian woman who has trouble getting attention from her own kind. Itā€™s kind of a cliche at this point.

I do not think what he says should be taken seriously, and I think itā€™s quite revolting that he may have partly Asian children. My father, who shares a certain amount of similarity with him (but is a generation ahead) used to talk like him but he isnā€™t allowed talk without my permission anymore. I give him corner time when heā€™s being bad.

These guys donā€™t really understand what theyā€™ve gotten into. Invariably in these couples the oriental wife makes all of the decisions, while the occidental husband just does what heā€™s told.

Iā€™m not even sure heā€™s my biological father, but I digress.

ā€œFor they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind.ā€

- Hosea 8:7, the Bible, KJV

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