1:02:25 Lock these bitches down.

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I have been saying this for years and I’m so glad someone else has said the thing I’ve been thinking.

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You'll like tomorrow's essay

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Wait what

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Which part!

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Good conversation! I've been working this out myself for a few years and here is my attempt to summarize everything I know and where I am in one paragraph. It might not make much sense but I'm trying.... :)

Hypermodernity - The Last Epoch of Man

As software ate the world it also ate our consciousness. Psyberspace, de-worlds the psyche from any biological, environmental and practical reality and places it within an always on / always available limitless, infinity generating array of floating signifiers. This shifted the labor to logocentrically "find oneself" beyond the social and into their own self-ascribed identity and private semiotic system. However all the systems are authoritatively over-coded methods of self-construction wherein one cannot be indifferent to process or results. One of the most common outputs of this cybernetic system is an atomized instrument of a value-neutral ideology whose lost in their own private world of mirrors yet can continue to produce complexity in pysberspace. Devouring our material, physical and mental energy in order to maintain the cycle of endless self-construction.

I don't think this can be stopped. I think we're still in the ascension towards the disappearance of the human.

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Are you familiar with Gilles Deleuze & Felix Guattari's "Anti-Oedipus? What you write here sounds exactly like what they wrote in criticizing classical psychoanalysis and our understanding of the cultural psyche.

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No, I've not read that nor A Thousand Plateaus. I've built my own spine of theory and psychological qualia trying to explain the false consciousness created via these abstract cultural mechanisms which the phantasmagoria machine releases and oscillates within the individual psyche and collective conscious/subconscious.

That all would take too long to explain but suffice it to say I put the start of the hypermodern epoch beginning in 1971 with the digitization of the NASDAQ financial market. A Rubicon was crossed there and my theory builds from that point into the following year when 50% of American TV sets across the US were then color TVs and the massive expansion of nuclear power until 1979. I keep going into the 80's, 90's, ect. but let me bring it back to today....

Where am I?

This is a rather remarkably new question as more of us becomes a curated digital construction. And just as I have the psychopathologies of the metropolis to contend with(eg. extreme safteyism just to pick an easy one) I also have the same in regards to various digital worlds even if the world is very small where I just want to get a haircut but I have to download the app, schedule on the app, confirm 'C' to the text message for my appointment and scan my barcode when I "check-in" so my "clipper points" are saved to my account and then I'll be badgered for three days after to review my experience. These are the authoritatively over-coded machinations of our lives in endless locomotion; the panopticon whose just here to help you. Which then leads to an over-correction of the initial over-correction so we won't go back to just "If I want a haircut I can go to the shop and wait until I get one." No. The "solution" will be yet another complicated abomination designed by a committee and centralized within some state portal. There is no way out is what I'm getting at and part of the problem is in the continuous delivery approach to building the tools themselves.

So what do we do? My response has been to make art and so I've been working for about 15 years on my own gesamtkunstwerk where I am going to become and perform as the hypermodern epoch itself. It's crazy and I don't expect people to understand it but what else ya gonna do? Well....I'm open to suggestions because smart and sensitive people are in huge amounts of trouble. :)

Send me an e-mail to my full name at gmail and I'll see if I can write it out more cogently. I also have a whole unrelated topic I know you and I are interested in and I've wanted to talk with you about. Take care and keep up the good work!

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Interesting. If you are on X let me know. I want to share a screen grab from the text I mentioned to illustrate how similar it is to your thinking in many ways.

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Great. :) I followed you, thanks! I own A Thousand Plateaus and I'm going to start on it soon. I have a couple of other big books I'm finishing up first. Ahhh....Learning which once took place through the reading and studying of texts, treatises and tomes now distilled to screen shots and memes. :) I'm not a mouse in the maze any longer for the maze is now inside the mouse! In my opinion there is no greater symbol of the psyche than the Celtic triple labyrinth where one can wonder into the center of independent worlds and back out yet a true center still remains. In my play, inside the act occurring within hypermodernity many of the characters constantly sigh within the dialogue as the embodiment and subsequent releasing of energy. From the mechanical to the psychological; this is the pattern of our time. It wasn't always like that, if you look back at Gobekli Tepe, it went from the psychological to the material. Probably from having dreams prior to the language capable of describing them, we brought the Heavens' to the Earth through myth and story. In my view that's all gone and I didn't write it above but in 1961 the first dual sided printable circuit board was created. That's the new "prima materia" serving as a base for all things yet to come.

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