So I guess that answers one of the questions I had. So there is like some kind of DF fanclub or whatever. Maybe that explains the bit in the "fake accounts" pod I heard where you seemed to view your subscribers as in it for the parasocial as opposed to the actual content. Everytime I have seen you in a video you look like an almost entir…
So I guess that answers one of the questions I had. So there is like some kind of DF fanclub or whatever. Maybe that explains the bit in the "fake accounts" pod I heard where you seemed to view your subscribers as in it for the parasocial as opposed to the actual content. Everytime I have seen you in a video you look like an almost entirely different person, now I feel like I know why that is the case. On a side note I wager most folks would be fine with you and Gio shit talking for 6 hours, if you guys were comfortable with putting 6 hours of unedited shit talking on the interwebs :)
LOL, I know, re: video it's awful. I made a TikTok partially so people can just see what I actually look like. Hopefully this doesn't breach containment:
See I thought the idea was to NOT be recognizable. On the web doing something like mixing up your appearance can basically cause people to have a form of IRL face blindness to you. If I thought people were grabbing screenshots of me, I would be wearing prosthetics and adopting an accent the next day! But maybe you are putting the fear in me or something. I am looking at that tiktok link and now feel like I don't want that in the world for you. But I assume this is a public facing thing or you would not offer it given your experience.
No, it's just the lighting or bad luck or something. I take the worst selfies in the world, too. I know a lot of people think I edit my pics, I'm just so unphotogenic it rises to the level of a talent
BTW, I have been changing my profile pic based on what I THOUGHT you were doing. It's been interesting seeing (or perceiving / imagining maybe) the difference. This might be a habit moving forward. Maybe I will have a different pic for each sub I comment on!
See I think its the opposite with you. Every face is different obviously, but given your AO one expects a rather "highly decorative" or stylized appearance. The fact you look like you could be one of my coworkers is what really throws me off. :D Like someone who is a coal miner has it written all over their face, I would assume a similar affect from plumbing the depths of the internet.
well as a dude who has drawn literally thousands of people in person I can vouch that a photo is almost always a gross distortion of what the human eye sees when it looks at a person. I look like Sam the Eagle in photos, but at this point I have started to just roll with it as a feature, not a bug. :D
So I guess that answers one of the questions I had. So there is like some kind of DF fanclub or whatever. Maybe that explains the bit in the "fake accounts" pod I heard where you seemed to view your subscribers as in it for the parasocial as opposed to the actual content. Everytime I have seen you in a video you look like an almost entirely different person, now I feel like I know why that is the case. On a side note I wager most folks would be fine with you and Gio shit talking for 6 hours, if you guys were comfortable with putting 6 hours of unedited shit talking on the interwebs :)
LOL, I know, re: video it's awful. I made a TikTok partially so people can just see what I actually look like. Hopefully this doesn't breach containment:
See I thought the idea was to NOT be recognizable. On the web doing something like mixing up your appearance can basically cause people to have a form of IRL face blindness to you. If I thought people were grabbing screenshots of me, I would be wearing prosthetics and adopting an accent the next day! But maybe you are putting the fear in me or something. I am looking at that tiktok link and now feel like I don't want that in the world for you. But I assume this is a public facing thing or you would not offer it given your experience.
No, it's just the lighting or bad luck or something. I take the worst selfies in the world, too. I know a lot of people think I edit my pics, I'm just so unphotogenic it rises to the level of a talent
BTW, I have been changing my profile pic based on what I THOUGHT you were doing. It's been interesting seeing (or perceiving / imagining maybe) the difference. This might be a habit moving forward. Maybe I will have a different pic for each sub I comment on!
My Face Is Simply Weird LOL
See I think its the opposite with you. Every face is different obviously, but given your AO one expects a rather "highly decorative" or stylized appearance. The fact you look like you could be one of my coworkers is what really throws me off. :D Like someone who is a coal miner has it written all over their face, I would assume a similar affect from plumbing the depths of the internet.
well as a dude who has drawn literally thousands of people in person I can vouch that a photo is almost always a gross distortion of what the human eye sees when it looks at a person. I look like Sam the Eagle in photos, but at this point I have started to just roll with it as a feature, not a bug. :D
No, it's a bug
Yer a bug.